Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sex and Beer!

Wow!  All I can say is WOW.  What a great night last night.  I was with almost all the Pat Heads at Weinerfest, a local kick off to summer round these parts.  And Pat McCurdy, whom I'm mentioned in my blog in the past, opened the nine hour event, followed by Brat Pack Radio and Headbangers Ball.  Pat was over the top good!  More on that later.  :)  Brat Pack Radio was as usual top notch, and while it was my first experience at Headbangers Ball, I must say, they would do well to lose the drunk eye candy.  The boys were great, and on stage they had to make excuses for their only female member who was so wasted that we feared she might not only throw up on us but fall off the stage on us! It only took them about four or five times of holding and dragging to convince her that after three songs she was done.  However, MY friends, being artists themselves are very unforgiving when it comes to this kind of unprofessional behavior and it made for a ton of very incriminating pictures all over fb.

But I digress, while surrounded by good eats and probably too much liquid refreshment, (my HEAD AND BODY are killing me) I had a most memorable time.  For I was able to witness the most surprising and refreshing public testimony of love that I ever have.  A Popular 95.7 Morning DJ and his Long Time Lady Love have been Pat Heads for much longer than I.  And in making their acquaintance at my first show I was immediately welcomed into the 'inner circle' if you will, of Pat Heads in La Crosse.  Showing up at all his performances here and even on in the cities I was lucky enough to catch, has further cemented my love of the warm vibes and as Pat would say, "Spreading the love around (insert city name here)".  But I have to tell you no matter how trite it sounds it's true. I don't know why or how, I can't even really explain it.  But somehow Pat succeeds in this, and no matter how bad a day I've had or how low I might feel about myself, one of his shows not only makes me feel wonderful again, and good about myself, but the vibe is contagious, and the smiles on all my friends faces are too.  Now keep this in mind while I tell you why last nights performance was so much more so than any other.

During the closing song, Sex and Beer, where we all get up on stage (one of many times) to sing and dance with Pat, there is a part of this song where Pat demands that we all hold hands and look at each other and say outrageous things to each other; like: "Thats the biggest Weiner I've seen in my life" or "Are you a good witch or a bad witch" or my personal favorite, "Tell me Clarisse, have the lambs stopped screaming?". . . anyway you get it.   Last night, unbeknown to anyone but Pat and that Popular 95.7 Morning DJ he had said , "If you are (insert name of DJ here) ask your Long Time Lady Love the question"  its such a blur now i can't remember if Pat did more than that as he was already holding my hand for the song and pulled me aside so that the rest of our line would follow and whispered, "Watch this."  As Popular 95.7 Morning DJ got down on one knee, with small black velvet box in hand and proposed, on stage, in front of all of us and his beautiful Long Time Lady Love was speechless, nervously waving her hands in front of her, shyly going from moving slowly towards him to backing away from the ring in happy and excited energy.  She of course said yes, and the video of this happy moment is on my fb page.

Talk about contagious happy moments!  All I can say is WOW.  And I couldn't be happier for them both.  I can't wait for the Pat Head section of the wedding.  :D

1 comment:

  1. and spelling errors corrected thanks Trisha....I AM hung over. lol
